Adobe Lightroom 3 Beta

I found out about the Beta program on Michael Willems’s blog here. I am downloading the 120MB package from Adobe now. I wonder why the Mac version is only 68MB?

Here’s the link to the Beta Site:

The beta runs until April 10, 2010 – about six months. Then users have to uninstall the beta and install the released version. As normal Adobe caution us not to use it for production work.

My internet connection in Thailand is very slow in the evenings. My downloader says it will take 13 hours to receive it. That’s another way of saying it won’t work.

A slow Internet connection is a terrible time sink. It took me a couple of hours to put together my earlier post today: Where Was That Photo Taken?

I would have done better to leave it and come back tomorrow. I am stubborn and once I start a task I want to finish it. But with the internet that is foolish. I took several tries to get each picture uploaded.

One alternative is to write the post offline and then paste it into the “Add New Post” form when the Thai internet gateway is working better.

[picapp src=”0283/da9375af-84ad-4a03-8136-dd46363da776.jpg?adImageId=6387955&imageId=287412″ width=”380″ height=”254″ /]

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2 Responses to “Adobe Lightroom 3 Beta”

  1. BKKPhotographer Says:

    I am still downloading the Beta. It failed twice including overnight. But the early morning time in Bangkok seems to be much better for internet speed.

  2. BKKPhotographer Says:

    It finally downloaded on attempt #4 at 9:40am on Friday.

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